Library Membership, Rules & Regulations

Library Membership The following members are entitled to enroll themselves as members of the library; i) Enrolled Students of Govt.First Grade College.

ii) Faculty/All Staff Members of Govt.First Grade College.

Re-Issue & Recall of Books Books shall be re-issued to the same borrower at once only. The Librarian can recall books at any time, if need arises

Condition of Loan The borrower shell be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning the book.

All the books shall be returned on or before the due date mentioned in the Due-Date-Slip.

Overdues & Fines Till the end of examination we will not charge any fine (for PSLL books) but after the exam we will charge Rs.1.00/eachbook/perday.

Loss of ID Card Members shall be held responsible for the loss & misuse of ID card. First one has to write a letter to the Principal to get permission for the duplicate ID card & the same is to be submitted to the librarian. Duplicate ID card will be issued at the cost of Rs100.00. 

Loss of Book, CDs & DVDs A material lost by the Member shall be replaced either with latest edition or pay thribble the price of the material.

If a volume of a Multi-volume publication is lost, one has to bear the complete set price if the lost volume is not available in the market.

Rules and Regulations

·    Only registered members of the college are allowed to use the Library.

·    You will not be entertained without the valid I.D. card, and it is Non-Transferable.

·    Users are required to swap their I.D. card under scanner at the time of Entry and Exit.

·    Entry in the Book Stacking Section with Bag, books and other materials is strictly prohibited.

·    Using of Mobile Phone and other gazettes in the Library is strictly prohibited.

·   Reference books and Periodicals are not issued out side the library premises.

·    Maintain Silence in the Library especially in the Reading Hall.

·    Eating, chewing, and smoking is strictly prohibited.

·    Borrowers must satisfy themselves with the physical condition of books before borrowing.


·    Using computers of Library for  chatting  is prohibited.

·    Readers’ should not write in, mark or otherwise disfigure/damage books, furniture, etc.